That poor snail!!!! By Ryan

who wants crazy taxidermy? By Amanda

A jaunty eggplant by Amanda

Eric's initial sketches.

A chicken with body issues. By Sahar

a very disturbed California Raisin by Rebecca

Art by Sahar, copy by Ryan

Raison d'etre by Rebecca

By Sahar. It was Eric's idea that the ghost would try, but fail to vomit into a bucket.

by Eric, I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. There is a SAD TEAR and a portrait of a razor blade. Could anything be more deliciously emo?

Also by Eric, I really want to get that whale thing tattooed but I promised myself I would never get a tattoo because I would get something stupid

A very lifelike portrait of Rebecca by Sahar

this made me really sad

image by Ryan, copy by Sahar

a true story by Amanda

image by Rebecca, copy by Ryan

By Ryan and his friend, Evan (I think)

by Eric. This one has a plot!
wow Sahar, you are amazing. You should show these to David. I think he would appreciate the sense of humor. Particularly, the skateborder asking 'why does like have to be this way.'
I really like that ghost, and his caption. Nice comics, Sahar & company!
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