One of the only things I do really well is make my friends and family mixed CDs (that and write fake, yet believable letters to the editor). I spend days going through iTunes and coming up with a theme and picking out the perfect typeface for the jackets that I make. Yep. I am that person.
Anyway, it was my friend Rebecca's birthday last week and I missed it because I was still in Oregon. So I spent way too much time yesterday working on these.

I entitled them "Dream Husband," "Dream Vacation," and "Dream Apartment." The songs on each mix are tangentially related to the theme.

Yes, that is Sarah Vowell talking to Ira Glass and yes, I do know that they aren't married to each other. It's a DREAM! They would both probably be grossed out to know that there is totally Hall & Oates on this mix.

Dream Vacation! In case you can't tell. That is a picture taken from a plane. Thanks! Flikr!

Dream Apartment! I sort of had a hard time finding songs that work. So I put things like "Electricity" By Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark, "Made of Stone" by the Stone Roses, and "Date with Ikea" by Pavement (all pretty sweet songs in their own right).

Crazy Type!

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