As an aaaaaartist, sometimes your work is outside of your control and it's meaning is something even you cannot grasp ... I know...BARF. Anyway, what I think is happening is that the pickle is smoking something illicit. It must be cold because he is wearing a beanie. The hot dog just took a bite out of a corn dog and is horrified to learn that corn dogs are just hot dogs on a stick wrapped in a cornbread-ish substance. Which reminds me of this podcast I heard recently that claimed that certain members of the Donner Party towards the end had the choice between eating wild dogs or fresh corpses and chose the latter because they preferred the taste. Yeah, I am not going to confirm that fact. I am just going to blindly spread it.
As you can see. I really need to use my time more wisely. But if you are looking for comics that are smart, funny, sweet, and a little fucked up, you should check out Hecka Drawings. They are fantastic and more people know about it.