As most of you guys already know, my dad and I don't have a typical relationship. One of my favorite father/daughter activities is going to B&H, which is a huge electronic store, specializing in cameras. It is almost entirely run by Orthodox Jews of so many varieties and ethnicities! I took Rebecca there a few weeks ago to find a husband. She didn't fine a man, but she did find a nice little Panasonic Lumix point-and-shoot.

We went to find me a tiny, crappy PC netbook thingy for me to do some web work on. We tried to find one that wasn't too ridiculous although I said that if there was one with Hello Kitty, I would totally buy it. But this one was too silly, even for us.

We thought it was ugly but then...

We closed it and saw it and it became worse. Mort also bought himself a portable scanner called, "The Magic Wand." I informed him that is also a name of a popular vibrator and he pretended like he hadn't heard me.

We got hungry, so we took the L train across town to B&H, the restaurant. It is so cute and small! They serve you at your table by handing your food to you over the counter. I love it. We should all go there together, but we wouldn't all be able to fit!
All photos (but the top one) by Mort. If you want to see more Mort photos visit emailsfrommort.com.
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Thank you for visiting B&H Photo and for your comments. They're very gratifying and much appreciated.
Henry Posner
B&H Photo-Video
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