This is this from some Spanish conversation hour assignment from my senior year at Reed. When I get stressed, I get silly. We were given a Spanish speaking country and expected to make a hand out and talk about it. I got Cuba and had some fun pushing the limits of what MS Word has in terms of desktop publishing.

Translations from the top, counterclockwise: Castro, Hello! I do not age!, The American bourgeoisie enjoy the music of Cuba, The United States gave a great welcome to Elian Gonzolez, and a banana.
Now I will share with you, some children's books my father brought for me during his last trip to Iran. They are all about this folk hero/antagonist/whatever named Mullah Nasruddin. I left my dad's post-its on them because his handwriting is more aesthetically pleasing than the illustrations.

This one is called, Mullah Nasruddin and the Hubris.

Mulla Nasruddin and the Policeman.

Mullah Nasruddin and the Jew.
and of course (drum roll please...).

The Donkey Who Got Married.
This is a picture that Justin drew for me. During the summer of 2007, I bought myself a set of Prismacolor markers in different shades of gray. I was super excited about them. My friends made fun of me, until they used them. This is a portrait of a boyfriend Justin made up for me.

This is a letter I started writing who knows when. I didn't finish it. I didn't even bother to write down who it was for.

This is a picture I saved of Elijah Wood. He is a dream boat.

And lastly, I will share with you a card I got for graduation from my mom and Tom.

I think every blog post on the internet should end with with a picture of a stupid looking cat!
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